Milana is #3 in Top Ten for 2015 AKC Rally Combined Scores Ratings
Every year " Front & Finish" magazine makes 10 ten breed ratings in various AKC sports and this is an official result for AKC .The Front & Finish® Rally Combined Ratings rank dogs in AKC Rally Obedience competition who place first through fourth in Rally Advanced A&B, and Rally Excellent A&B classes during a given calendar year. It is always a prestige to get on the pages of that most respected American canine training magazine. Last year I only showed Milana once in the AKC Rally Obedience combined trials - both in Excellence B and Advanced B classes to give her some rehearsal before the Nationals. As usual,Milana was working great and earned High Combined Score in Rally Trial award. It is a difficult award for dog who works on the last 4 th level of Rally Obedience. But It turned out that based on high competition, she still scored enough to become #3 in 2015 Top Ten ranking! Great job , my girl, I am SO proud of you! As always :)